The Ampersand

Posts Tagged ‘san francisco’

Bum Life

I see this stuff everywhere, but never with an ampersand. I really like that Kevin has tagged this: Does anyone want to make a crappy mumblecore movie and use this bro’s handwriting in the credits? Street art like this brings out the grumpy old man in me.

Presidio Pet Cemetery Ampersand

A fine specimen. Close-up. This weekend I took a little trip to the pet cemetery in the Presidio. There were plenty of ampersands along with other fine examples of home-grown typography. You can find more info here or you can just view my gallery here.

Flour & Water

Add yeast and salt and you could have bread. Maybe this is a graffiti artist joke about wheat paste? Anyhow, this guys is facing the wrong way. That’s a three with a line (almost) running through it. Sent in by Johnny0. link. UPDATE: I just learned the real story behind this from Bilil who writes: […]


Chinatown, San Francisco, Calif The last three posts were all from Frank Synopsis. He has a bunch of other ampersands in his photostream.