The Ampersand

Archive for the ‘From the Field’ Category

Fox Liquor & Groceries

This is kind of an overgrown monster of an ampersand. It is kind of beautiful and ugly and interesting in the way a kudzu-choked tree is. Or maybe it actually reminds me of those mutant pesticide frogs with the extra legs. Anyways, it kind of defies the “ampersands I like” and “ampersands I dislike” categories […]


Here is a nice ampersand from the ITC American Typewriter and ampersand loving Kramer’s Books & Afterwards. Careful, annoying music starts playing on their site as soon as you click. Oh and why not visit Jerimiah’s site. He took these pics.

A Walk Down Post St.

Squarish-roundish eurostyle ampersand. J & D Liquors. This is the faded, sunny side of the street. J & D Liquors. On the darker, not so sunny part of the street. S & B Liquors. There are quite a few liquor stores in my neighborhood. Neon ampersand behind a very dirty window. I really love this […]

Shoe & Bag Repair

This unusual looking ampersand comes from a shoe & bag repair shop near the Stockton tunnel in San Francisco. Note the bottle of Jack Daniels wedged into that pipe.

Hand Painted Signs in North Beach

With ampersands of course. The first two are from the amazing old-school butcher shop called Little City. Roast & Stew Aged & Tender Another one from down the street. I like the drop shadow. (by Arrón Quiñones)