Jim writes: My 7-year old put the hose down today, I walked by a few minutes later and saw this…
Jim writes: My 7-year old put the hose down today, I walked by a few minutes later and saw this…
Southtown, San Antonio
From my recent cross-country road trip.
What font is this? Some sort of stretched and squashed Cooper Black?
Brookline Ice & Coal Interesting, but not really an ampersand. From Stephanie (Lots more ampersands on that link!) Blood $ Beer Definitely not an ampersand, but I would say the backwards dollar sign sort of works here. Here’s another view. This one is backwards. Another backwards one.
Auto Sales
San Antonio, Tx
I have mentioned The Journal of Urban Typography before. I browsed around the archives over there and found a few good ampersands. The one on the bottom right was actually one of mine that made it’s way over there. It’s all coming full circle. Also this.